Lyric discussion by Jaggeh 

"I agree with the sentiment that there are people that set out to be losers, whether conciously or uncounciously"

That doesn't make sense. If you set out to do something you are making a concious decision - you have made up your mind and plan on doing it. So you can't set out to do something unconciously...

You CAN set out to do something and unconciously fail due to unforseen circumstances, situations and events.

Personally, I don't think anyone sets out to be a loser. I think many people have an idea of where they want to be and what they want to do but either fail because of things out of their control or because of the decisions they have made that seemed like a good idea at the time without realising the repercussions or importance of said decisions thus leading to them failing at their goal.

I set out to build robots - seriously, I was really into cybernetics n stuff. I needed to study at school to get into uni. However, due to women, alcohol and going out (that seemed fun at the time) resulted in me getting good grades but not good enough. Hence I never got into uni. So I failed although I never set out to fail but yes, it was my own choices at that caused me to fail.

And I think this is the case with most 'white trash' in the US. (I'm English btw - and we have white trash too - just in council houses or tenement not trailer parks or cheap housing).

I doubt many 'white trash' make a concious and decide "I like the idea of living in a shit caravan/house doing nothing, scavving off society and treating everyone like shit". I should imagine many did have dreams and ambitions perhaps when they were younger and either situations conspired against them or their hopes and dreams were wiped out by their own, parents/guardians/environment.

As pointed out by SacrificialNewt the last line is very important - this is the one that points out it's not necesarilly a concious decision but vicious circle perpetuated by the parents. If a child is brought up in this environment then they will learn from their parents and do what they have to survive - it becomes very difficult for a child or young adult to break the mould and step out of the cycle as they wouldn't have been taught or brought up to think like that.

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