Lyric discussion by AQShet 

This song, to me, is so incredibly epic. Every time I listen to it I feel like I'm on some great adventure. It starts out in an almost paradoxical racing lull which just seems to draw me into the song.

What is so amazing though is the small nuances I notice for the first time each time I listen to it. Like what sounds to be a television broadcast or the sounds of birds chirping. And just as my mind starts to slip, the song pulls my entire being into it around 2:28 with the most amazing... I don't even know what to call it. Bliss?

Words just can't describe the feeling. It's as though I've let go everything within me. And that's when the song stops and the acoustic guitar begins, filling the emptiness within with a satisfying nothingness. And just as my mind's eyes begin float away, the song pulls me back in with the spectacular sounds of what sounds like a heartbeat or shots of a cannon.

The song then builds and builds into a glorious climax that is a myriad of strings, each one singing a song of overwhelming emotion. Sadness, happiness, triumph and disappointment... all emotions and states of beings blend into one great orchestra of sound.

And just as the song ends, just as the light faded from the eyes of this beautiful giant, the thing that always comes to my mind is "This is the way the world ends/ Not with a bang, but a whimper"...

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