Lyric discussion by ladybug87 

This album is a complete album, and no song can be taken out of that context except phantom limb.
The album follows a central character, a boy, who has been reading Nietzsche and believes that religion and society have nothing left to offer. I believe it is both the voice of James Mercer telling us that we neither need to swallow the views of this album, and the voice of the male character in the albums plot telling us that the religions of our forefathers can no longer make us feel complete or satisfied with the idea of an afterlife, though you really have to draw from prior shins meanings like your algebra and sphagnum esplanade to get that. I agree that is has an Alice in Wonderland theme as well, where the boy falls asleep in Sleeping lessons, meets a girl in 'Australia,' and they begin their descent down the rabbit hole with Pam Berry.

well what is "he" was a girl... at least phantom limb would make sense with the album. But that would mean that the shins wrote a whole album about... lesbians. does this make sense?

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