Lyric discussion by doctortim 

Some lyrics suggestions: "some überman i'd make, i'm barely a vapor", as harshfury suggested. The rest of that verse is about him feeling insignificant, so this line isn't so odd. "Blow on our thorns" = "blow on our thumbs"

Great song. Such a lonely song, too. There are 2 metaphors here -- earth as a comet hurtling through space, with people trying to hold on and not get left behind; and the world as a sea, with people trying to keep from sinking. In both cases, the song takes the position that we're all naturally being forced from holding onto the comet, or that we're all sinking. So it's about the ways we try and fight our insignificance as history ploughs on and forgets us.

For some it's religion, which people use to believe they'll never sink into insignificance. For others love will keep them from sinking away so quickly. But the lonely people are the worst off, they've essentially got nothing keeping them afloat. I think that's what the coming "worst part" is... dying alone with nothing to show, and being forgotten forever.

Wow, how emo.

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