Lyric discussion by kris10xx 

i always thought that the girl in this story was always the one who returned to the boy (conor... i guess) but then the part with "explore those other women..." i wonder where the quote stops. the whole song could be told in the point of view of the girl and conor is really the one who keeps coming back. but then again maybe the quote stops at "geographies of their bodies" and the rest is told through conor. i don't know tho.

this meaning to this song just hit me yesterday tho. i've always loved it and thought i understood it, but now i feel like i better understand it. as the song progresses, conor s becoming more desperate. he wants the girl to return to him like she always has in the past. i think he realized he loves her ("that took so long to figure out") maybe because the girl isn't returning and he realizes how much he misses/needs her. i seems like she's always been around for him, but when he only realizes the good he has once it's gone.

the simple change in punctuation in "you will" shows this. he turns a confident "you will" (as in you willl return to me) into a desperate/pleading "will you?" (as in will you please return?) since he starts with you will. then goes into you? will. its hard to see that it's "will you?" and not "you? will." which doesn't really make sense.

at the end of the song you see how truely desperate he is for her to return. "and i just won't have a future anymore".

idk. i guess that's just the way i interpert the song. i think it's genius what a simple question mark can do. i love it. sorry for the extra lonnnng post.

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