Lyric discussion by sdine07 

It's sad that no one else has commented this song, but I'm glad to take a first shot at it's meaning. I believe that it's a song about a criminal thinking in his jail cell (as implied by the second verse). He agrees that he should be locked away in the first verse, but he can't quite put a finger on what's been bothering him so much: everyone's turned against him... all of his heroes (whether they be comic book superheroes or admired celebrities) speak out against the actions he commited, and the ones "selling his heroes" are the people who put him away or convicted him. The chorus states that at the time he had been convicted, it had been a tragedy, but now it's a legend that goes down in history. It could also be said that he was innocent. That the courts that convicted him "sold his heroes" and turned everyone against him... you could go either way with it.

I don't think it's from the perspective of a criminal sitting in a jail cell at all. That doesn't seem to fit with Luna's very personal lyrics. Rarely do they venture farther than Dean Wareham's own perspective.

I think it's Dean's way painting himself as feeling guilty, but he doesn't know the reason he feels the way he does. He conjectures in the song about having a hard time dealing with his idols selling out, and maybe thinks of himself as a "sellout."

Just my two cents.

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