Lyric discussion by AnnettesGotTheHits 

P.S They named their daughter after frances from the Vastelines (a band kurt liked and coverd their songs) Not after frances farmer. Farmer was an actress and a mental drunk but i feel bad for her 'cause they locked her up and i think she got raped or something?

WRONG! In Courtney's journal in the 80s she wrote that her first daughter would be called Frances. The fact that they liked Frances Farmer and Frances from the Vaselines is coincidence.

This song is about Herself, Yoko Ono and Nancy Spungen.

"The Pee-Girl Burns To Be A Bride" - about her and her want to be loved. (Everyone's right about "Pee-Girl". Good job, kiddies.)

"You Dont F*Ck With The Fabulous Four" - about Yoko Ono (duh)

"Your Ever Lovely Suicide" Reference to Kurt and Nancy S (Sid and her had a suicide pact).

In the live version she says "This is the story, the story of someone's wife." Another reference to her and Yoko. Because everyone sees them as somebody's wife, not themselves. The song is also a semi-parody on all her other songs. Hey Jude is an obvious refference to John Lennon but it was also Kurt C's favourite song. She does a cover of it "Shut up!.. This is kurt's favourite song, ok? NA NA NA NA NA Hey Juuuude!! etc etc Do you think he heard us?"

emeraldsforeyes, no one is going take you seriously if your death date is out FOUR GODDAM YEARS. Loser. Yay!! Another "I hate Courtney Love because..." and "She killed Kurt because..." THAT'S what the world needs. We also need more Michael Jackson parodies and jokes. And theories on where all the "dead" rockstars are living, alive and happy. Ugh.

That is all.

Oh, machupicchu, you're lovely.

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