Lyric discussion by Lollylicious 

I think this describes someone searching (wondering out in the world for years) for something in their life But being frustrated at the other person who just stays in their room and gets to see it all anyway. (I had flashes, but you saw the plan), suggest that someone is getting glimpses of what it's all about, but the other person already has the wisdom and insight. I was interested to hear the mention of CS Lewis, this could be hinting towards the use of imagination, filling in the gaps in life. (I pictured the rainbow) - stating he had to use his imagination. (you held in your hand) this is a statement rather than a suggestion. The other person is so convinced they have it they are getting the writer to picture it too. The other person has so much confidence in their beliefs that the writter believes this other person even has the ability to fly... There is a lot to be said for faith and unshakable belief in yourself. With inner strength anything is possible. Maybe the other person is striving for this too. But like fruitlessly chasing butterflies, sometimes if you just sit and wait patiently, one will alight upon you. Like happiness. Stop searching for it and it will arrive. xxx

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