Lyric discussion by tinylittlewords 

Wanting what everyone wanted SINCE implies she wants what feminists think all women want, equality, and [perhaps] in Emily's sense of it, rock star equality. In the eighties, women burnt their bras but obviously not while they were wearing them, but her imagery of them burning on womens shows how it was more self-destructive than liberating.

the whole song goes into her personal struggle with sexual identity, with the main term to define it, sexual suicide. i guess it means something like giving up your sexual identity, killing it yourself to blend into a man's world, but it's now a cirme because of the feminist idea of pride. and emily even admits she went through a faze where she cut her hair short and dyed it black because she thought being a girl was a liability, but now she knows better.

the song goes into how women will one day, from the very bras they burn, surprise the world and make our ears bleed with the wonderful music they produce.

i don't understand the middle very well, except when she brings up her (assumably) friend Heather, assuring her its okay, its just the Lottery; her gamble in entering the music scene or something.

and the end... well, the part about stilettos is clear. back into the idea of women, a complete circle. it creates a nice image in my head. and its funny.

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