Lyric discussion by joanneofmine 

This was tear-jerker No.3 for me. Especially the part where he says "Don't know how else to say it, don't want to see my parents go".I feel that way for my parents, especially mom. I don't know what life would be like without her. I don't want to know. John also says, "so afraid of getting older i'm only good at being young". I know how he feels. I'm so scared of being away from my mom, staying in one job for the rest of your life, getting laid off from that job, getting married, having kids, becoming the same parent my dad is or being less than what a great mom my mom is, fights with my kids...ALL THAT STUFF SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME. I wish I could just go back to the time dad and I were ok, and I was great in school and my cousins were here and my mom was happy and young...

We're all afraid of getting older. I know I am.

But I love the sudden realization "don't stop this train don't for a minute change the place you're in". He says, be fortunate with where you are now. Take advantage of this time. Don't wish that you were older or younger. (You know how children always want to grow up).

so cool to be sharing these words.. and yeah.. is like how he says on another song: the quarter life crisis, just before turning 30.. the feeling you can´t do other than accepting you are becoming a "grown up".. just when you are enjoying being young the most.. love the live version in Where the light is.. such an intimate message.. impossible not to empathize with such a statement..

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