Lyric discussion by msr123 

I just wanted to add to what '5isjusta4letterword' said, as everyone whose seen 'No Direction Home' will know, the story goes that when Dylan was travelling around with Joan Baez on her tour (this was just before Bob was a huge star) and the tour manager refused to get Dylan a room. Joan then used her status, threatening to quit the tour and so on, and eventually got him the room. In the morning Joan Baez went into Bob's room and found out that Dylan had been up all night and had just finshed this song, 'When The Ship Comes In', it apparently sums up his fellings on the people and events, to quote Baez 'Bob was hanging all of them with his eyes'. This is a great song, one of his best written. If anyone has theories on the hidden meanings and criptic metaphor i'd like to hear it.

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