Lyric discussion by ancientbruises 

I would usually dissuade anyone from attempting to interpret Bjork as her lyrics are so complex and cyptic sometimes that absorbing your own personal interpretation from her work is the real quality a lot of fans find in her work. But well, since we're here...

I take a lot of the song from the title. I see the first stanza as the girl describing that the physical aspects of her life are secondary but the other person is of such a character that that is all they notice, the whirl, just a physical attraction.

I see stanza two as sex. How she felt sex would be something which would have brought them together, and brought the physical and mental r'ship together...but instead something that pushes them apart...

The chorus is important...she again highlights that returning at night sex is the main component to the relationship but the tide, be that love or lust she doesnt yet know, will bring him back...and if he forgets her name she has lost him forever for him she is then nothing more than an object, not a person, not in love...

"You are the one who grows distant when I beckon you near.." - this line alone sums up the song...she wants more and he refuses to commit...

Each heart she grows for a relationship is broken as below the surface the water is still...there is no love. An eternal bachelorette...

also could go into this in a socio-political way as to the way society holds vastly different opinions of single men and single women, men being somewhat free stallions and women being depressed and needy....

@ancientbruises Bjork didn’t write the lyric to this song.

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