Lyric discussion by chels0845 

I do agree with CaramelMacchiato that it reminda me of Strawberry Wine. It's just summer love lost.. and how September changes things. "My biggest fear was September, when he had to go" and I seriously feel the same way. Even though it's august.. summer has just ended and so has my 8 month relationship.. first love. it sucks. and my favorite song to sing was its your love and my best friend

That's just it, though, because they don't really have to end. They just get so hard, depending on distance and fitting each other into their lives and other things. I mean, that's my opinion, but (if it's not first love, if you actually seriously want to be with this person) why let the ending of summer end it? But it always happens. and I guess things happen for reason =] I agree, too.

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