Lyric discussion by Zemi 

This is a tricky one. The imagery's very vivid and pleasantly haphazard, but, the meaning's fairly simple, if not easy to describe. It sounds as though the singer's talking about/talking to a person who has fallen into their 'normal' life to the point of being locked in it. Acceptance bringing defeat, that sort of thing, chained by their history. The 'narrator', in this case, is describing the sort of change it would take - namely, finding love in a new direction - in order to break free from the norm. It almost guarentees a complete change of the person in question and their overall way of life, but, he's promising that it will become a change for the best. "Heaven Coming Down", in this case, is the proverbial 'bliss' falling onto the person all at once, crashing and painful, but in the end, much better than he/she has been living.

very good explanation.

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