Lyric discussion by indie-YYY 

“Gold Lion” carries multiple meanings within it. The title makes reference to an award, “The Gold Lion” that Karen O received in France for her contribution to the “Hello Tomorrow” commercial for Nike Europe. Therefore the gold lion takes on a possible symbolism of allowing Karen O access to success, wealth, fame, or the mainstream. (She has been known to comment on welcoming a larger fan-base). The Gold Lion can “show (her) where the light is”, whatever that light may be, whether it is wealth, fame or mainstream success. Gold Lion’s placement as ‘Show Your Bones’ first track is also meaningful, allowing the track to serve as an incantation, used in classic literature as a way of thanking the powers-that-be (whether they are French Commercial awards, or divine beings). Incantations also allow the author to hope that the following product is great, as Karen O requests that she may be shown “the light”, or musical success, which she certainly achieves.

Gold Lion and the Nick Zinner remix are insane songs, possibly among the most catchy imaginable. The Nick Zinner remix is MAD! Gold Lion totally sets the pace for the re-invented Yeah Yeah Yeahs that create the mature and totally amazing “Show Your Bones”!

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