Lyric discussion by danielg001 

Alot of good ideas about this.. but I think not enough about the context of this song...

Lennon achived what few other people can possibly claim to.. a level of success that is so high you can never achive again. The beatles had just offical broke up.. the album was released no more than a year after they already knew it was happening.

This is probably best described as breaking up from a mariage in the emotion pain and hard to underscribe professional pain as "The Beatles" a sureal ride was over.. you are left falling.. what in life matters now?

He talks about alot of topic and they are a great checklist for what he tries to grab onto as he is falling. The fact he ends the verses of being lost with "I dont belive in beatles!" I think shows the prime motivation. He cant belive in them, they are gone.. what left is there?

"I just belive in Me, in Yoko and me".

Thats all thats left that is real and he can hold onto. Of course this is melodramatic. The best music is about the moment, not a well balanced lookat your life.

Anyhow, for me I always find great power in this song.. even though its never evoked the same peak of emotion as some songs. it has a lasting quality that I find addictive. If I think about the beatles or listen to them for a while.. I always want to listen to this song. I suppose for me it is the very Lennon like bitter taste to all that might be seen as "good".

Rest in peace John.. you might have been an arsehole at times.. but at least you were a constructive one :)

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