Lyric discussion by eatenbytheworms 

Mine is the last interpretation up there. I will have to recant on what I wrote after a lot of thought. "All I Need" is indeed a love song. One could call it the ultimate love song as it is unconditional, or so it seems. I had previously interpreted the line 'you are all I need' as sarcastic. What I now truly believe is that when Thom Yorke sings 'I only stick with you because there are no others', he truly means it. There is no one else in the world he could possibly love the way he loves her. And he is telling her, quite decisively, that '[he] is all she needs'. Same thing... there could be no one else for her. There are several lines that point to this being a 'real' love song. Obviously, he is singing this to someone new in his life ('I'm the next act waiting in the wings'). It's also clear that he feels neglected and ignored by this woman ('I am an animal trapped in your hot car' and 'I am all that you choose to ignore'). And yet he is asking her to stop denying the reality: that they must be together... they are all each other needs. Also, I've been wondering what the line 'I'm a flash flood running through your ground floor'. I think it represents the way he feels about her... a flood of emotions, of love. Maybe my interpretation sounds corny but this song is not at all like that. It is just about a human being who finally finds the right person and he realizes this and is asking her to do the same. At the end, Thom always ends the lines 'It's so wrong, it's alright' with 'it's alright'. Beautiful song. Probably my favourite out of all of Radiohead's new songs.

Enough embarrassing yourselves..... its about animals telling us that we are all that they need, because Humans are the only animal that can be reasonable and protect them....

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