Lyric discussion by tsreyb 


This song is about a man in love with something that doesn't exist - ie, mutual love. This is a classic song of unrequited love, nothing more. I love it. It may be my favorite lovelorn song of all time. The lyrics are true tear-jerker, and the music/production are so fine that they only magnify the lyrics.

These lines never fail to bring tears to my eyes...

"But heroes often fail And you won't read that book again Because the ending's just too hard to take"

Also, the music and production of this tune is exquisite - listen to the subtle bass lines, chord changes and strings. Good listen with headphones. The VI-II-V-I progression is one of the most common progressions in all of pop music. But in this tune tune the progression is as fresh as it has ever been - it brings the listener through the lyrics as gently yet sadly as could be, enhancing the lyrics by an order of magnitude. Lots of subtle harmonies hidden in this tune.

My only complaint is the duration of this song, I wish it would go on for 2 hours!

You really express this well, me, there is NO song quite like this....

@tsreyb Yes, the part about the book always brings tears to my eyes as well... it reminds me of the fact that though most storybooks have happy endings, our lives are not guaranteed to end happily.

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