Lyric discussion by snoopfroggyfrogg 

Like myimaginaryband said, Pavlov was the behaviourist who famously investigated Classical Conditioning.

This is a bit of a kerazy song, so the best connection I can think of between the stanzas is this:

Perhaos we've all been classically conditioned to things in the world, without even realising it. RS imagines that although the experiment was nothing to do with Pavlov's daughter, she may have also begun to salivate at the sound of a bell. And she doesn't notice, or stop it or anything she just 'lays there drooling on her pillow'.

But the narrator doesn't want to just accept things for what they are, to just accept that Pavlov's daughter's been conditioned to behave a certain way and the lines "If I hear another song about angels if I see another feather on the dumb-box I'm gonna go to Babylon and get me some whiskey" express this.

"yes I'm putting the boulder to my ear and I still can't hear" This describes how she's just not buying it. She's tried doing what they've told her to do, but it's not working.

The Lucille bit... well she's watching/listening to this guy. His routine life of taking out the garbage, flushing his toilet, loving his girlfriend, 'loving himself too'. It's almost as if to say, is this all we've become?

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