Lyric discussion by farrell 

I could be totally, completely, and utterly incorrect on this but my interpretation is thus:

In the begining the narrator does not follow god or get along with him for various reasons, such as that gods path is too straight and narrow, while the narrator wants to be different. He finally sees himself however as a monster. He is in disbelief until he asks a blackbird which tells him to love others if he wants to be forgiven (Kahlil Gibran wrote that redemption is possible through love). So he tried to forgive and love everyone else including god. But instead of following through he fornicates with a prostitute. He then meets god who shows him the consequences of his actions (the leather belt around his hips could be for lashing sinners) and then he drops him into hell where he meets the devil. In the end he is angry. HE goes on to say how there is a guiard to hell waiting to let you pass as well. I believe that the drums at the very end emphasize this point because they sound like a slave driver.

Like I said I probably am wrong but this is my opinion anyways.

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