Lyric discussion by sillybunny 

I’ve always liked this song and I think it deals with how infatuation can have its way with you. The heart beats faster—it’s an effort to keep cool and not look too interested. The feelings may not be mutual. I could be taken for a fool. And books do offer advice but infatuation can easily make common sense impossible.

In infatuation, we lose control, our emotions mow down our logic and if we’ve been through this before, our cautious hearts do say, please stop before we start. I don’t want this to be a roller coaster rides.

He mentions how impossible it can be to deal with the power infatuation can exert—comparing it to the difficulty of always being right, never breaking promises, singing in the wind, etc. And yet infatuation has the upper hand—being so tantalizing we can squirm like a fish out of water, while fighting furiously to not be tossed back in.
It is a romantic song in many ways. An infatuation is an object of extravagant short-lived passion.

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