Lyric discussion by warmPhase 

I concur: the woman is not remotely indicated to be invalid or ill as I hear the song. That would not be necessary to this story and Cave doesn't really bandy words.

Hair? I see it as a common gesture of those already intimately acquainted. One could say it is also a symbolic inquiry: reaching out to test the reaction. remember: "with a trembling hand..." I would buy into the 'barrier' symbol mentioned above, except that in this tale, the barrier does not come up until After he has had his say.

Kitten: Always stood out to me and I think that it can represent this woman's heart which she gives to him and retracts just as quickly in reaction to his world-view.

Cave is a fantastic poet, one of my favorite, and I too, will appreciate his outlining of those dark things that permeate any good and whole human life.


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