Lyric discussion by T-CAP75 

Wow! I am the first person to comment on this band, let alone this song! Now, my uncle plays bass in this band so if anybody (That is assuming that somebody will eventually post here; not a given) disses his playing style you'll have to answer to me! Now, this is the best song off the Heaven and Earth self-titled album. I couldn't really get into the album too much because I'm, well, I'm into more alternative music, but I appreciate the bluesy songs and Stuart Smith's (As well as the many guest stars; Kelly Hansen sings this song) playing style. This is without a doubt the catchiest song on the album, and is the one song on the album that I listen to regulary. The lyrics (Speaking about the whole album) may not have much depth, but are inspired. This, in my opinion, is a classic rock revivalist album, and it functions as that well.

I think this about one wanting to accomplish something, like a goal that one has, but for some reason, it's pushed back, and the narrator seems bent on accomplishing it now (That's where the "don't keep me waiting" line comes from). Nice song to put on when you are in a traffic jam or waiting in a long line, the lyrics fit the situation perfectly, lol.

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