Lyric discussion by livebackwards801 

"This song is definately my favorite song on the record. Mark came up with the title of that song-"officer dickhead gets a black fucking eye"-and I was like Wow,thats perfect! So I wrote the lyrics to fit the title. One time I was out in the Bay Area, in San Francisco, and it was raining. A bunch of us were squatting in the Lower Haight in the house,just trying to get out of the rain. We werent partying or anything-we were just trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night . But the cops came and busted in and threw us in a paddy wagon,then maced the paddy wagon and drove us around San Francisco for about an hour. We got to the precinct,they yanked me out of the paddy wagon onto the concrete, and then 5 or 6 cops just started kicking the living shit out of me. I was so scared that I just started laughing. I was like,this is insane! This is hilarious! Im going to die! Its either that,or you just fall to pieces and cry. Theyre kicking me in the head,kicking me in the fucking ribs-cracked a couple of ribs. And I was just laughing,which pissed them off even more. Then,when they yanked me up, I remember looking at one female officer-because she was the worst,just laying into me cussing and shit-and I remember reading her name and badge number out loud to her, and saying, I remember you. I remember your face.Im gonna find you. They threw us in a cell for awhile ,then let us go, But that song is basically about getting the shit kicked out of you by the cops for trying to get out of the rain. So thank you very much, San Francisco police" Randy Blythe,Revolver Magazine

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