Lyric discussion by BrokenBlackWolf 

I believe that the meaning of this song as the title suggests, is about clowns, however, I think that clowns has a meaning other then the clowns we see in circuses. I think this clowns has more of a symbolic meaning to it. My rendition of the word clowns represents the “normal” people or the society reminding others how to behave in order to what is expected from us. And when we don’t follow the patterns society normally impose, they’re always going to be there to let us know “where you let your senses go”. To let us know what’s “wrong”. That’s the “cross I need to bear” (the obligation to behave in a certain way just because others say it is “right” and if not, bear the consequences and get judged and rejected). Clowns are always disguised, so why do they have to? To hide, they let their senses go too. After all, they’re humans too. That’s why they’re such clowns…trying to be something they aren’t to follow what’s expected of them. I think that the theme or message in the lyrics is that even if you’re different from everyone else its fine to be able to be that. Just be ready for the possible outcasting. Society and groups get rid of people when they pose a threat to what they believe in or the life to which they’re used to and you were too busy with your eyes closed, too scared to keep them open afraid of what might happen

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