Lyric discussion by jaenicoll 

For me, it is about the way society prefers to create non thinking robots than facing the age old philosophical and spiritual questions that have been asked since time began.

I think the the first verse speaks of the first 3 stages of a man's life;

  1. As a child where the world is a magical place.
  2. As a pupil/student where he is taught the rules of society and has his thought processes trained and conditioned.
  3. As an adult where he is shown how to conform and become part of that society. Interstingly the song uses the word shown suggesting that he is not totally part of it (yet).

The first line of the chorus is suggestive that he either lies awake at night and ponders some of life's deeper questions like "who am I?" and/or that at times the world ie society at large can be totally asleep to these issues.

The second verse is warning about how society treats people that don't conform. History has shown that society tends to defend its own dogma and status quo quite ruthlessly. Radical thinkers of the day have been ostracized, ridiculed and compromised as well as burned at the stake, hung and crucified for daring to suggest paths and alternative ways of thinking to the masses.

So, it is much safer and easier to "sign up" and bceome part of society. And as the last line says, to become a vegetable.

Thankfully, the chorus then kicks in again suggesting that the author/singer isn't going to conform and feels the need to question things and seek answers.


exactly. It's like having an education and being progressive is bad. They, the theys, equate it to radicalism, or simply call it liberal like it's a bad name

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