Lyric discussion by 4down 

Of course the beautiful thing is that the same set of words can apply to so many things. I had a chance to ask the amazing tuba girl about the lyrics and she said Nick never has atually written them out for the world, because he wants everyone to garner from it what they will, and that sometimes what people determine the lyrics to mean or even be are better (for each individual) than what the artist may have intended. I think that's so true and this song can apply to relationsships, the inevitability of death, whatever it may be. But it certainly has an emotional wistfulness about it -a howling at the moon quality which i feel Nick Urata shares with Thom Yorke. No matter what the song may mean to you, there's no doubt it evokes an emotional response.

She plays a sousaphone not a tuba, and Thom Yorke is awful. I love "How It Ends"

how you would give the world to someone, but in the back of their mind....they already planned your demise. I wrote about it in a poem once. Line:

What if enough is given? What if every faculty of another human being burns with desire where they would pluck the moon from the sky, yet still, the other is


Thom Yorke is great. Anyway...I agree, there is some sort of wistfulness that Urata and Yorke share. It's the thin part of the music - and I don't mean that in a bad way, just that the thin part is when you hear the most of them. How it ends sends shivers down my spine.

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