Lyric discussion by bradburyesqu 

The story behind this song is actually one of my favorites. CCR’s “producer” Saul Zantz (john fogerty really produced the music) was breathing down Fogerty’s neck to come up with the next hit song. The pressure was getting to John as he was beginning to feel that the whole future of the band hung on him and him alone. A real prelude to the bands brake up. Anyway, John’s wife at the time was trying to help him through it but he felt like he couldn’t even turn to her. In frustration, he locked him self in his study and wrote this song. His own feelings of frustration came out in a brilliant metaphor that holds a much broader meaning when listened too on the outside.

@bradburyesqu could you explain the broader meaning of the metaphor please?

@bradburyesqu could you explain the broader meaning of the metaphor please?

@bradburyesqu For my part, I like that Bradbury doesn't explain the broader meaning; an "exercise for the student", as it were.

(And... I basically agree with this interp, and appreciate the backstory. Thx!)

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