Lyric discussion by bfng3569 

i'm gonna cheat here... this is from this is Adams take on the album as a whole...

"I could tell you that the songs are about a guy doing this, but it's all me. I'm that guy. I think the "first album" is really about a lot of the shit I was going through and how difficult it was, about being unable to function within it. It was very frustrating and bitter, and it culminates with "Have You Seen Me Lately"--a howl which says "Not only do you not know me, but neither do I." It sums up the touring, fame, and everything, saying where it brought me to. The second half of the album is about a lot of the same feelings, but it's more cathartic, more about dealing with it. I find "Miller's Angels" to be about something that horrifies you and you're crying with it. It's not exactly chronological, but it's definitely moving from one place to another, in fit's and starts, one step forward and two steps back, that kind of thing. Um, well it still seems kinda weird to me. Just because the songs are very personal to me. But I didnt... they seem so singularly about me that I didn't think they would relate to other people. I didn't think other people would relate to them that well. I've sort of learned that thats not necessarily true. But it's still..... I just accept that it happens now, but it's sort of strange to me. Because they feel... I don't know.... when I write a song I just write it about myself. Generally. So. Then you know. They feel real personal. I don't.... I guess there are things that people have in common that make it meaningful for them as well I guess. I don't understand what that is."

and this is the song...

" Recovering the sattelites has a sense of trying to resolve that question. I came to the realization that my life will always get shot up into the sky and then come crashing down. It's mostly about myself, but it's a very important statement about what we're doing. I wanted this, so I will take the other stuff. I don't have to like it, but it's my life, and I'm not going to throw it away. I write very few songs about other people, It's more about me. It's what I know. I defenatly think August and Everything After came to a place at the end of it [in the song "A Murder of One" where a guy says--addressing a woman in an abusive relationship--"Get out or your life will be a waste." He's also addressing himself, how he abuses himself in life. It says at the end, "Change." I think this album is an attempt to do that, while being overwhelmed by all things that are happening. Like the guy says in "A Long December": "And there's a reason to believe/ Maybe this year will be better than the last/ I can't remember the last thing you said as you were leavin'/ Now the days go by so fast." That's me in a nutshell--people leaving, me leaving, days going past. By the end of the song, what he says is "I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself/ To hold on to these moments as they pass." You have to remember to hold on to these moments. Life can be flashing moments that pass by you and add up to nothing, or they can be things that you keep and cherish. Loss doesn't mean gone forever: you have your memories. The things you lose don't have to be such ghosts as we always make them out to be. They can be memories that we can keep--especially me, since I get to write songs about them."

enjoy,,,, although from the looks of it,,, i doubt many people will be reading this.....

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