Lyric discussion by nonetospeakof 

This is what I get from it, it may not be what you get, and that’s totally fine. Keeping in mind the three languages on the Rosetta Stone and the above quotation.

There are three narratives that need to be deciphered in this song. At the beginning we have the narrative of events told by the guy who is still suffering the effects of LSD to the doctors. The garbled sound of the lyrics seems to accentuate the nonsensical lyrics themselves. Then we get the second narrative, his inner thoughts. This helps us understand the first narrative, he cant explain himself because he is still really stoned, but what he has to say does make some sense. We are missing a third narrative, which is that of the aliens.
So then what is the Rosetta Stone, his key to unlocking the cryptic message? The title suggests it’s the LSD. It is what allowed for the alien experience and makes the first nonsensical narrative possible, then the second more rational narrative. The reason we are missing the alien narrative is because we have an unprepared individual with no frame of reference, he forgot his pen. So he ends up missing the point. You get what you can from the Rosetta Stone (LSD or the actual stone used to decrypt the hieroglyphs) but once you decrypt, you don’t need the Rosetta Stone anymore. Once you figure out how to read Hieroglyphs you don’t need to translate through the stone again, you do it because you understand it. Much like once you reach a bit of spiritual enlightenment you can “get there again” because you understand it. The story teller was not prepared and therefore did not have the frame of reference to understand the new perspectives he encountered. It becomes a sort of response to “Third Eye.”

What makes this song cool to me is the humor used to poke fun at the stereotypical high school drop out that trips out just to trip out. Tool makes some great stuff.

This comment is from 8 years ago. I wanted to tell you all that the message from the aliens is still there, but it's only how humans can comprehend. The protagonist can faintly remembering the idea, he just needs help putting it all back together. It's on the "tip of his tongue" and he's trying to spit it out. The best way to describe what the aliens told him is to imagine playing 5 different rhythms, each limb of the body doing something different and the 5th rhythm being when they are all put together. However, this doesn't even scratch...

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