Lyric discussion by Tc2r 

This song is great, though he litterally focuses on "skating" its about much more than that.

As he says in his dedication in the beginning " I dedicate this one right here to all my homies grinding, legally and illegally".

Its about making it in life, the "hustle" of life.

"First got it when he was six didn’t know any tricks Matter fact, first time he got on it he slipped Landed on his hip and busted his lip For a week he had to talk with a lisp like thisssss Now we can end the story right here "

Whe we start anything, we are new to it, dont know anything and usually end up "falling down". (first love, skating, anything). Now we have the choice to say "I quit" and "I can't skate" or "I can't draw", "I hate relationships" right here and never dust ourselves off and try again.

But if we have motivation, a goal, even if we can't finger it, you usually get back on the board/stand up.

"Since the first kick flip he landed Labeled a misfit a bandit "

Once we finally succeed, other people are jelous and envious and label you, no matter what it is; "whipped, nerd, jock, pusher, etc"

"His name was couldn’t stand it So he was banished to the park Started in the morning Wouldn’t stop till after dark "

once people can see you're getting good at something that they aren't they hate and dont want you around them. so even though those around him hated on his skating skills he didn't let it stop him. Even though people say they dont want to hear you "rapping" dont stop, even though you can't be the best at something around some people, doesn't mean you should give up.

"Yea when they said its getting late in here So I’m sorry young man, there’s no skating here"

I think this verse represents the hurdles in life, all the problems that try to stop us from movin on, from achieving our goals, being happy, making it.

The Chorus says that this kid/those strong enough dont/didn't give up and kept/keep moving on, past the hurdles and problems. Looking for a place to fit in, in a world full of followers.

The rest of the song continues along those lines I think.

oh and the longer they skate the stronger they become, until there literally isn't any place they can't go. (or metaphorically, there isn't anything that can hold them down)

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