Lyric discussion by robkaos 

Tool's stance on the chemical known as DMT is well known. Sounds like a description of a DMT trip. vivid hallications, heart racing, coming down, etc..

no shit its about dmt you fucking retard it clearly says it in the first line of the song. im going to slice your throat until it gets horribly infected and then im going to saw off the green disgusting scab and your balls grind them up into beef stew and force feed it up your anus with a funnel... o yea tool is awesome.. and so is dmt

dank420, you's trollin!

Could be any bad trip to the point of view of a beleiver. You've just lost your mind to a point of view contrary to your perception of reality. Vicariously feeling awe and terror and a bit of crazy. During psychosis you are brought to a strange hospital or clinic. It feels like it is a charade. You have this air-mask on your face and they want to know exactly what happened. So you tell them all of it.

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