Lyric discussion by Elimination 

Okay... here's a rough attempt to translate this great song:

When you wake up one day and feel like you can't cope anymore, in the name of the lord your life they'll try to manipulate.

If you feel the fear against your skin for being a communard and wanting justice, if you give up, brother, you'll never think for yourself.

When they go ask you for the tithes at the end of the month, and the Holy Inquisition "invites" you to confess.

That's why, my friend, you have to raise your voice say you never asked for an opinion and if it's true there is God he should work from sunrise to sunset

Stand up raise your fist and come to the pagan party, there are drinks by the bonfire.

From the same condition it's not a town nor a lord, they have their clergy and we have our sweat.

If there's no bread for your people and you notice how fat the abbot is, if their virgin is dressed in gold, strip her down.

How are they going to silence the goldfinch or the canary if there's no jail or grave for the libertarian chant.

Stand up raise your fist and come to the pagan party, there are drinks by the bonfire.

From the same condition it's not a town nor a lord, they have their clergy and we have our sweat.

Stand up raise your fist and come to the pagan party, there are drinks by the bonfire.

From the same condition it's not a town nor a lord, they have their clergy and we have our sweat.

Stand up raise your fist and come to the pagan party, there are drinks by the bonfire.

From the same condition it's not a town nor a lord, they have their clergy and we have our sweat.


Sorry, but i already cannot agree with the line "que en el nombre del de arriba" Doesn't that mean "In the name of the above" ? In the name of the lord you implicate already the lord above, what is the common way how christians are calling god or Jesus. And "In the name of the above" - that can be interpreted different. I would at least if the lyrics or the title of a song is "Fiesta Pagana" :) - Greetz ;-)

@Elimination @Kassandra1 "Que en el nombre del de arriba" translates as "That in the name of the one above" referring to god (and feel like you can't cope anymore, that they will punish you in god's name...).

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