Lyric discussion by seduction4u101 

I love this song as well. I am a new Nickelback fan. I recently saved this video to my hard drive and my productivity at work has definitely gone down because of it. I'm not going to try and analyze the meaning of the song because I don't have enough time to write the paragraphs that I believe it would take to capture it's meaning. Plus I think the video is cooler and I'm not exactly sure that the meaning of the video and the meaning of the song go exactly hand in hand. I think the video "Savin Me" is about being saved from the meaningless boring day to day existence that the vast majority of us live in. Is it a coincidence that both people who are narrowly saved appear to be seemingly busy maybe important business people. Immediately after being saved however, they seem to see life and more importantly the people around them in a different light. Now the cell phone and the laptop are not as important as your mom or dad sitting across from of you at the family dinner whose life counter may be down to 3 minutes and 23 seconds.
To me this video is about being saved from one existence or level of consciousness and awakened to another where the people in your life / on the planet are more important than anything else.

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