Lyric discussion by lefttheretodrown 

jamisonlikewhat... what? not about molestation? are you in denial of the reality that fathers molest their children in general or just in this song? it points to molestion on almost every line of the song. first off, the entire first verse is alluding to one event, ONE EVENT on april 12th, that took place in a car (when NO ONE was around), one in which isn't named because perhaps it is too vulgar and disgusting to be named in the song. secondly, abandoning fathers are bad yes. it's a saddening and frustrating thing when a father leaves a mother to parent to raise a child, and truly that man IS a scumbag. but would that kind of behavior, do you honestly think, merit thoughts and wishes of a brutal and painful and graphic death? thirdly, yes it is almost criminal that they should allow this SCUM to foster another child, but it is ultimately the girl's decision over what to do here. and that's what makes this song's theme even more gut-wrenching.

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