Lyric discussion by kazu 

I always thought "I have kissed honey lips..." was about a woman. I can see how a man searching for an answer can end up looking everywhere: God, the devil, sex, drugs, etc., and still not have a concrete answer. God is the best answer but still ends at faith, not something easily tangible. I thought he was saying he's tried multiple avenues: the 1-in-a-million sexual experience ('honey lips', like in the song when he says she's "even better than the real thing"), maybe the devil(?); but neither really gave him an answer. Christ is the answer he continues to pursue; but he still isn't absolutely sure, he has to rely on his faith ("...but yes, I'm still running."). One of the best lines is "then all the colors will bleed into one". A very Martin Luther King, Jr. line if I've ever heard one. I think a lot of people on sincere spiritual journeys, especially those who always have to question everything (as I imagine Bono is), still have questions about their faith.

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