Lyric discussion by MySelfAffliction 

Well i personally have talked to the band and this is what they said about this song, along with Stop and Say You Love me....

stop is the song I wrote when I first started falling for this girl I was with, my love song for her, I wrote the "hey listen cuz I'll only say this once" line in reference to me only saying "I love you" one more time, like she was the last girl blah blah, well we ended up ending our relationship and I wrote quote, there was a lot of BS throughout the break up so I used the same line to bring the whole thing full circle and say that this time i was saying good bye "only once", the whole album works that way, every opposite song has to do with the other

if ya take the 11 songs

cross stop cold eclipsed beg over possession dark that follows promise quote tease

so cross and tease, stop and quote, cold and promise, eclipsed and dark, and then it takes a little detour and beg and over, possession doesnt count, I didnt write it

thats the deal with that

So all of these songs have an opposing song with it, and they are in a certain order on the cd. Kinda cool if you ask me.

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