Lyric discussion by smallboyonherbike 

"just a small boy on her bike, riding topless, yeah, I never cared who saw..." as my username states,that was me, I remember when my mom finally told me that I had to wear a shirt when I was in the front yard. I grew up in rural canada so it never really mattered too much, there were trees to climb and gardens to mess around in. I had mostly sisters, but I never cared about brushing my hair or keeping my clothes clean, and I was more interested in bugs than dolls. I love the way she shows how when you're little, you're just who you are, be it male or female, be it whatever you are. then in come stereotypes and all of a sudden you can't like bugs or run around without a shirt because puberty hits and people want to see you without one. may I echo empathy_junkie--- I miss the days when I was a little boy.


  • I have always loved that compact little line that you chose for your screen name.

  • I have always loved that compact little line that you chose for your screen name.


  • Go Team Canada! I was born and raised in Ottawa.

  • Go Team Canada! I was born and raised in Ottawa.


  • I do love to maintain a distinction between the adjectives:

  • I do love to maintain a distinction between the adjectives:


    Childish - which for me includes egotistical behaviour, immature tantrums and an inability to find mature instincts and behaviours like empathy, generosity, consideration, selflessness

    Childish - which for me includes egotistical behaviour, immature tantrums and an inability to find mature instincts and behaviours like empathy, generosity, consideration, selflessness

    Child-like - which for me includes an open-eyed ability to constantly see wonder, joy and fun all around you and to act out with joyful noise and be fundamentally unselfconscious and present in your behaviour.

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