Lyric discussion by outKast524 

1)lmao...this song is NOT about Full House. Hell, any song could be about Full House if you smoke enough ganja! 2) Im almost positive its not Minnie mouse, its MICKY mouse. I think is close. 3)Its a poke at our Western culture: We want the biggie size meals, big cars, the hottest women, ect. "...another lover" Have u seen the divorce rates in the US? Micky mouse has grown up a cow is referring to business corporations. Disney World, like most american businesses have turned into money sucking whores. Yep, turn on the news or TV, what do u see? Violence, death, destruction. But we condemn sex to restricted adult channels. I dont believe that elvis is dead, he is making fun of us. After almost 50 years we still have Elvis wanna-bees and almost worship him. He's 'dead' physically, but not dead in spirit. Other parts are pretty vague. Fake with a saint is probably him saying how fake we are when it comes to religion. But I dont know his religious beliefs so idk. But Im pretty sure thats the drift, and not about Full House lol, although a fascinating attempt.

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