Lyric discussion by DrkRtst 

Definatly one of the best songs of Rosenrot! but no one has really explained the meaning....well

Mann Gegen Mann is about the rebelious nature of homosexuality (simply put) - its basically the ultimate (pure even) form of rebelion to life. Pick a aspect of life and even death and youll see thats true

"Schwulah" is a made up word (kinda) - its just taking the german word for 'fagget' and combining it with some screaming, that word could represent the whole 'effect' of homosexuality on society- - - if you seen the video (full of naked men - except for Till) youll see when hes yelling it - he transform to this demon - Schwulah represents the demon

o yeah - final note, homosexuality has been around for a long time (very frequent in old great cultures of Asia) its just that as Christianity spread - well uhh people got 'prudish' - today people are more free to live their lifes (no offense to the organized religons)...and yeah like most things, the media is trying to captilize of things :cough:urban culture:cough:

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