Lyric discussion by Bullshitdo 

Like Lanjo, I ve got a French passport which permit to go outside "my" country... and while listening to this song of NOFX, I was impressed. It s true that s musically it sounds quite "poppy"... but it pleases so much to me. The lyrics are great. Thanks to musicians like NOFX, the art survives despite the "blunder" the big business leads to. They dare writing lyrics meaning something else than "destroy everything" or "suck it baby" or "love me tender"...

About the expression "franco-unamerican", it is at first, as noted below, a play on the expression "franco-american relationship", but overall it declares that the french stance against the war on Irak was the right one ! I guess everyone got this point but as it is the core of the song (written in 2003), it does worth asserting it one more time.

About the lyrics about going "north to Canada" or "han down low" to Australia, I think it is one more ironistic assertion for Fat Mike... As many people here have already asserted, Canada and even more Australia are no better places to live in than the USA... I think it is a way to underline that in "America" (what a selfish denomination!!) people don't know the foreign situation... even in the "siblings countries" !! Moreover, he uses the right term while talking about moving to NORTH for Canada, but about Australia he just says roughly "hang DOWN"... Fat Mike just plays ironically, one more time, with the common ignorance in the USA about "foreign things" ("ok we know Canada is up to North -cause it s the only one!- but Australia... it s down to South, ok... but that s all we know!"), as when it is said at the beginning of the song : "Outside California, it's foreign policy" !!

I really appreciate this song cause it talks about reading books and getting a criticist point of view about politics... evoking Chomsky, Zinn etc. The principal word of this song is, acccording to me : "I don't want to be another I-dont-car-ican".

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