Lyric discussion by blueofthesky 

This song is so delicious.

"What are you changing? Who do you think you're changing? You can't change things, we're all stuck in our ways. It's like trying to clean the ocean. What do you think, you can drain it? Well it was poison and dry long before you came."

Sel-explanatory, I think. Reminds me of a quote: "Everybody thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves." I don't remember who said it, so I can't credit. But, basically, touching the subject that people see their friends/family whoever in trouble, and take it upon themselves to "fix" them, even though they had NOTHING to do with them getting that way. Lives are going to be lived, and you can't take away the past (What, do you think you can drain it?), so let them fix their future.

"But you can wake up younger under the knife. You can wake up sounder if you get analyzed, and I'd better wake up. There but for the grace of God, go I."

Again, I think touching on the trying to fix the past. Like, getting plastic surgery, or therapy, trying to take the life you have lived and adjust it to better fit you, when in reality, you've lived that life no matter what. And then the most imporant and amazing line in the song, repeated much, "There but for the grace of God, go I." I think anyone, religious or not, should use this as their motto. No matter where they've been, or the things they've done, they've never made a final choice to influence their life because of what they believe in. I was there, but because of what I believe in (God, or yourself, or anything) I am no longer there.

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