Lyric discussion by greeen 


don't you guys get it yet?

this album is a story. "the only difference" and "london beckons" are dislaimer-like prologues. "nails for breakfast" is the introduction. we have a guy in a hospital bed. why? he attempted suicide. "this was no accident". actually, he was "theraputically" trying to cope with a "chain of events" by killing himself. what were these events? well the rest of the album functions to reveal the reasons why he is lying in this hospital bed.

he obviously did something pretty drastic, because he has made the "ICU hall of fame". he is a "regular decorated emergency". in a sense, he is defining his own self-worthlessness.

we have a lonely guy, who is looking for attention so he tries to kill himself. he calls the hosptial to let them know he is dying, he has a tone of "apathy" to show his lack of passion for living, hoping this will make the doctors more urgent to come to his rescue. now he is in the hospital and he realizes he is nothing more than the standard suicide attempt these doctors see everyday. the doctors were so careless the "anesthetic never sets in". in his quest for attention, he has only become just like every other "regular decorated emergency". a bloody mess.

if you notice in "the only difference" he says he is the narrator...well I believe he is narrating a story about himself. therefore he refers to himself when he says "I" and he is also talking to himself in third person when he thinks about how the "the bruises and contusions will remind [him] what [he] did [to himself] when [he] wakes". we he says "we deal" it is almost a satiric remark, because he is commenting on his own dillusionment- almost in a schitzophrenic type of way. it's actually kind of creepy.

after he realizes he is nothing more than the average suicide attempt he feels even more worthless, he creates another fiasco on the gurney. luckily the hospital camera's caught that one. i think this line is just added in to mock how ridiculous the whole situation really is.

it's ironic that he commits suicide, but calls the hospital to let them know. this shows he is "desperate for attention" as he says he is in "london beckons". when he calls the suicide "support line" in "nails for breakfast" this notion is further confirmed.

when he says "you can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid" he is saying that if you can't remove someone from their personal struggles (his is with suicide), you remove their struggles from them. i think this refers to hospitalization to ensure that he doesn't attempt suicide again.

basically, if you can't keep a kid away from attempting suicide, keep the ability to attempt suicide away from the kid. and that is why he is in this hopsital....which all falls in line with the story. it's kind of like we're traveling backwards.

makes sense, however,,, ive been trying to tie the other songs into the story, and, i cant, maybe you could help?

@greeen I agree very much and I definitely understand almost all of the songs and how they are tied in but the song Build God, Then We'll Talk is very confusing! Can you help?

@greeen actually, as far as i know, its about ryan ross's alcoholic father. "The bruises and contusions" might refer to the ones he left on ryan when he was drunk.

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