Lyric discussion by thehiredgun 

All the comments thus far seem very valid for this song, but I'd like to ascribe a variation as this song mirrors a story anyone who grew up in a small town can relate to.

Small towns bread two types of ambition... those who can't wait to get the hell out of dodge and do something "better" and those with less lofty ambitions that simply want to make things "better" right where they are at.

This song just sings a story of a man who grew up in a small town and had his eye on a girl ... a girl with troubles at home... a girl that couldn't wait to get out of there... to leave and find a new life out there...

And likewise.. this boy had dreams too.. just not quite so lofty... while she reached for the stars... he just reached for the ceiling.

But just like all small towns... they have a horrible way of recalling you back when things get rough. You find things difficult out there in the world and you retreat to the safety of your small town... and usually your family in that town.

Families... and mothers especially... have a habit of pulling you back... of bringing you back home. I can't tell you how many times my mom would call me and tell me to come live back home. I was out in orbit... and she wanted to bring me back down to where they were... where the family was.

When you think about it ... think of how much gossip happens in small towns.. how many times there is a resentment of those who "make it out" of there...

There is this awful gossip that just says... "they'll be back."

I think this song just nails that story. It touches me deeply ... as I've gone through those recalls... i've ended back in that small town... hating every minute... feeling like I needed to get back to basics and figure out what they hell to do next with my life.

To walk downtown and see your friends from high school in the same situation... just makes this song real to me.

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