Lyric discussion by Ekizzle 

wow i failed preschool, you've just proven that your no older that 10, atleast in your mind. And you wanna talk about having no life, looks who's cussing out anyone who has an opinion. You know, i think the point of this place is to give your opinion, just so you know

lmfao okay, i'm sorry, this is awesome. i love how you're this idiotic to go on against this guy. nice job defending yourself... ekizzle? lmao. the name of the site is "songMEANINGS". so you think it's about giving your opinion on bands? good job, i'm sure you got an A in your 1st grade common sense classes. guess what! i'm entitled to my opinion too! and so is I Failed Preschool, so if we both want to cuss a fucking sorry pile of shit ass wipe like you, we sure as hell can. congratulations for having wonderful double standards....

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