Lyric discussion by marquicerise 

In October of 1965, the body of Edward Evans was found battered to death. The murderer, Ian Brady, was the son of a former meat porter at Smithfield Market. After moving from Glasgow to Moss Side, Brady had first taken a job at a meat market before securing a clerical post at Millwards, a chemical company in Levenshulme Road. Within weeks his work colleagues were commenting on his moodiness and quick temper. He appeared to spendmost of his time and money on boks, whose subject matter ranged from Naziism to the works of Marquis De Sade. Brady found a willing disciple and lover in a work-mate named Myra Hindley, who participated in his abduction and murder of children. It was Brady's attempt to extend that evil to a third party which proved his undoing. David Smith, the brother-in-law of Hindley, had witnessed the slaying of Evans and, after consulting his wife, duly informed the police. Evidence linking Brady and Hindley with the disappearance of Lesley Ann Downey emerged soon afterwards and a witness directed the authorities to a bleak spot on Saddleworth Moor where a corpse was exhumed from a shallow grave.

Among Lesley Ann's naked remains was a string of white beads that had been given to her as a Christmas present on the eve of her fateful visit to the fun fair.

On 6 December 1965, committal proceedings were opened against Brady and Hindley. While Separated, they sent each other a message in code, which threatened: 'SMITH WILL DIE'. During the interrogation, Myra offered the defiant refrain: Whatever Ian has done, I have done."

"Wherever he has gone, I have gone."

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