Lyric discussion by boognish_rising 

"Yes, this song is about tripping so freaking hard"


"haha, this song is definitly about boomin' no doubt about it... especially if you watch the music vid... they eat a huge bag of shrooms and just trip out.. the song is much better... and funnier when on mushrooms"

Not true, they do not fry in the video... They were actully at their house (the pod) and people just came over to shoot their video... They were unprepared so they did random stuff not including frying balls......

So what is the song about?????

"i think this song doesn't really have a meaning, but the daises are "nipples" and you push and play with them and make them come up?"

Spoongirl nailed it, And if you dont believe me check out weenftp, they have audio clips of a radio interview (and a live radio performance of freedom of 76') and some guy called and asked what the song push the little daisies was about, their responce was nipples.

It pisses me off because everybody's concusions of ween lyrics ends up being along the lines of "Its about tripping really really hard on __"

Yeah Aaron and Mickey did a lot of drugs (and even wrote a few songs about drugs hence morning glory) but their songs are not about tripping... They might be inspired by tripping but they have some meaning that does not involve drugs.... SO STOP SAYING WEEN SONGS ARE ABOUT DRUGS AND TRIPPING!


Here's a clip of the radio show, Ween Live at NYC, NY @ Modern Rock Live Radio Show on 1994-00-00 skip to 4:07

???????? ole! Haha right on ur right ????!

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