Lyric discussion by pjf200 

i think that everyone's interpretation is unique and beautiful in its own way. My own way of looking at it is from the perspective of a person living in the city. In any city, there are so many people out there, but it's so easy to just stay in your house and not be in real love, in a relationship that is meaningful. Its easy to go out and meet someone for a casual encounter (the chase), but it leaves you empty, hollow, and sad. And going home you are cutoff from any chance of meeting someone for that real love, that meaningful love. Getting out and meeting people is the only way to actually try to find that kind of relationship: "Out on the street, are so many possibilities / to not be alone." And sometimes it takes something powerful to get someone moving in the right direction, hence burning down your house: "For the things that you didn't need / cause you knew you were finally free". It forces you out of that space, that shell of protection (your sense of home), that cycle of endless meaningless relationships (hence the empty heart), and that place that you can't find real love. Time to get out the house...

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