Lyric discussion by nightandday 

HungryLikeTheWolf: "Morrissey is a big old gay man and that's why he's so unhappy. A lot of his songs are about his sexual orientaion and his confusion and his struggle to be open with it. He doesn't parade it around but if if you were the ask him if he was gay he wouldn't say no. Listen to 'I have forgiven Jesus' and 'What difference does it make' two of the smiths "gay" songs. "

ROTFL HungryiketheWolf, you are so hilarious LOL LOL LOL

I Have Forgiven Jesus is a 'gay' song? LOL Just how did you get to that conclusion? What Difference Does It Make is 'obviusly gay? HUH?

"He doesn't parade it around but if if you were the ask him if he was gay he wouldn't say no. " Well, actually he would - and he did.

"I'm gay? Well, that's news to me." (Morrissey in Rolling Stone, 1990)

Your reasoning is really dumb. He's unhappy because he's gay?! Why would that make him unhappy?! He's never had any prejudices against homosexuality, and he had no problems mentioning he's felt attraction for men AS WELL as women, and that he's had sexual encounters with both women and men. He's never been afraid to be really controversial and speak his mind, but you think he's less brave than Elton-f***ing John?! People like you who think they understand Morrissey when they have no bloody idea would be trully annoying with their condescening attitude, if they weren't that absurd. If Morrissey was gay and that was all to it, his life would be much simpler. He would have found a guy, and not just that, he would then fit into your silly little categories, and that would make him into more of a regular and 'normal' person by your standards. hell, it would even give him less problems with the media - he would be a 'gay artist', which is such a popular thing to be in the days of political correctness! But I think he knows much better than any of you what he is, or at least what he isn't, and he knows that he does not fit into your categories, even though there are so many people like you who feel they just need to pigeonhole such a complex and unique person! He's far more complicated than that and he has far deeper problems, which you would be aware of if you REALLY paid attention to his songs!

@nightandday Do you still feel this way now that you're in your 20s?

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