Lyric discussion by nightandday 

Yes, it is almost certainly from Billy Liar. I have't seen the movie or read the book, but I know it's about a young man called Billy - William Fisher - who lives in the dreary Manchester doing a jos he hates, and dreams about going to London and becoming a writer. Sounds very much like young Steven Patrick, doesn't it? And in fact, Billy Liar was an inspiration for two other Smiths songs: London and Frankly, Mr Shankly.In the movie/book, Billy also has a girlfriend, I think, but he meets a free-spirited, strong, modern girl played by Julie Christie. However, he can't find the courage to pursue her, or to pursue his dreams of becoming a writer.

Whoever said Morrissey thinks that women are after money - I don't think so, Morrissey is a feminist. Just because this girl is described like that, doesn't mean he thinks women are all like that. As for Some Girls..., who says it's a about fat girls? It can mean several different things. ;)

And no, it's definitely not about Billy McKenzie, and I don't think Morrissey ever had any kind of relationship with him. Morrissey didn't even know Billy McKenzie when he wrote the song, they only met when they were set up on a 'blind date' by some imaginative journalists. It's only when "Steven, It Was Really Something" was written - as a joke / publicity stunt, probably - that the story originated.

But really, even if we did't know that, don't you all see how ridiculous the story of Billy McKenzie as the subjecy od the song is? Come on, people, it is MORRISSEY!! He never disclosed a name od anyone he was ever in love with, he is extremely private. You honestly believe he would ever write a song to someone he had had a relationship with, and used THEIR NAME in it?!

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